Creature Feature

Coming Soon....

Curious Corners

  • Coming soon...


04 October 2007

Days 2, 3 & 4 of 30

Day two's Assignment was to improve your shop's announcement!

I don't have a before and after, because I tend to fiddle around with the announcement every few days :) Though now I think I've settled on a format I like (for a while at least) and I've managed to keep it short so you can see the featured items as soon as you open the shop page! :)

I also updated/changed/added too our profile. (which turned out to be day 4's assignment... Woo, day ahead! ;)

On day three we had to add /change/update the sections in the shop. I'd never added sections to the Knottwood shop before, as we were still on one page of items at the time. Now, we do have item sections, and here they are:

Faerie Doors
Fabric Creatures
Original Art
Cuff Bracelets

1 comment:

M said...

It looks better with the categories, easy to find stuff. :)